Prostate Biopsy Recovery Time

Home Prostate Biopsy Recovery Time

At Melbourne Urology Centre, we understand that the prospect of undergoing a prostate biopsy can be daunting for some men; some common concerns include sexual function following the procedure, prostate biopsy recovery time, and the outcomes following the procedure.

Let’s Talk About Prostate Biopsy Recovery Time

At Melbourne Urology Centre, we understand that the prospect of undergoing a prostate biopsy can be daunting for some men; some common concerns include sexual function following the procedure, prostate biopsy recovery time, and the outcomes following the procedure.





Having a prostate biopsy is the only definitive way to diagnose prostate cancer in men. As such, for some patients, it is deemed a necessary procedure.

Prostate Biopsy Recovery Time

Our specialist urologists are highly experienced in performing transperineal prostate biopsies. Their skill and  expertise means that our patients benefit from a reduced prostate biopsy recovery time, and minimal to no side effects following the procedure.

What is a prostate biopsy and how is it performed?

Prostate biopsies are now performed as MRI -fusion transperineal prostate biopsies (MRI fusion TPB). This  technique allows the urologist to accurately and comprehensively sample the prostate for cell changes that may be related to prostate cancer or other conditions affecting the prostate.

With the patient placed under anaesthetic, the procedure involves using an MRI image that is fused with a live ultrasound image, to locate particular areas of interest within the prostate, and sample those efficiently.

The transperineal approach eliminates the risk of rectal bleeding (which is a possibility with the traditional rectal biopsy approach), which also significantly reduces the risk of infection/septicaemia.

Prostate biopsy recovery time is generally very brief!

Prostate biopsy recovery time is very brief, with the majority of patients being able to resume their normal activities within just a couple of days. Patients should expect some blood in the urine for the first few days following the procedure. Sometimes this is intermittent. Blood in the semen is also common and might persist for a few weeks. The blood may be bright, new blood, or brownish, old blood.

During your prostate biopsy recovery time, you may also experience some burning and stinging with urination for a day or so following the procedure. This may occur especially if you’ve had a flexible cystoscopy at the time of the biopsy. This does not usually indicate infection, and it can be managed with over-the-counter Ural sachets.

Are there restrictions to activities during the prostate biopsy recovery time?

Since the prostate biopsy recovery time is very brief for most patients, there are very few restrictions on activities. You must not drive for 24 hours following your procedure. Depending on the occupation, most patients can return to work 1-2 days following their biopsy. Sexual activity and heavy lifting should be avoided for 48 hours.

Please contact us to discuss prostate biopsy recovery time, or any other questions that you may

If you would like to discuss having a prostate biopsy in further detail, or perhaps you have further questions about prostate biopsy recovery time, please contact our rooms on 1300 702 811. Our administrative staff will be more than happy to assist you, or if required, book you in for a consultation with one of our urologists.

Please note that we also have comprehensive information available on our website about transperineal prostate  iopsy, including post-operative care instructions and details about prostate biopsy recovery time. Click here

Request an Appointment

We are here to assist you before, during and after your visit to the Melbourne Urology Centre. To request an appointment, simply complete the form below and we will contact you within 48 hours to confirm your appointment with us. For urgent enquiries or consulations please contact us on 1300 702 811